The Company Cookbook: A Tale of Terror

Added to the “nifty” section of the blog, I bring you… well, food?

Some of it’s not all that bad, I suppose. At least, the ingredients are okay…

THEL almost ready for initial deployment?

Jeebus, that’s even quicker than I thought. You know, the “HEL weapon,” able to knock out a missile in-flight? No word on specific timetable, but it definitely seems to be in the works, even if there is a profound difference between smoking a katyusha, and doing down an ICBM.

Hamas morons about to get diced.

Yep, it’s official. Al-Quaeda has officially begun taking over Hamas. Makes sense to me. After all, the last Hamas guy I was mixed up with would have made your average Pakistani Salafist blush.

But strategically, this is GREAT news for those of us who think that waging holy war by murdering little girls in their beds should be replied to with castration by acid, followed by disembowling, followed by flaying, and then supplemented with the best IVs medicine can devise and a cage with a half-dozen hungry rats. Why’s that?

Well, when AQP (Al Quaeda’s basically a franchise biz. So you have AQI, “Al Quaeda in Iraq”, and AQP…) starts really cutting loose, you’ll see more and more Arab regimes deciding that, you know what, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict really isn’t something they care about after all… (this process has already begun, btw) at which point Israel will have a free hand to wipe the bastards off the face of the earth.

Now, some of you out there may still hold to the moral-equivalence theory and be just itching to point out how the Israelis are not nice people. That’s not really the point. Yes, the Israelis are a bunch of perfidious bastards who will happily sell our equipment to the Chinese, who will then turn them into tools for killing our soldiers. And yes, they really do have a ridiculous amount of influence on Capitol Hill. But that’s at least partly because they don’t tend to do the “AK47 monkey dance” every time some asshole with a virgin fixation blows himself up on a bus full of kids.

The point is this: just how close is Hamas to actual extinction, if

a) they are acting rationally
b) this is understood to be a move that strengthens their position?

It’s murkier than trying to read Kremlin seating charts… but there’s no way this doesn’t come up as good news for those of us who are part of civilisation.

Russia losing control of the Caucasus

Check Gateway Pundit’s Nalchik wrap-up for basic details. This bodes badly on some counts, well on others… the immediate silver lining being that serious northern pressure on the Azeri opposition groups may be minimal. Five bucks we have a new “colored revolution” this winter.

Have a nice day.

Remember the new Dawn of the Dead? That’s what the band is playing, “have a nice day,” in mellow tones, as the nurse drives home, and under the radar, zombies begin to overrun the hospitals and emergency services…

Charles Krauthammer wants you to have a nice day.

But this is also why idealists and simple, well-meaning folk are very rarely allowed to be the ones making momentous decisions… sometimes there are no simple answers. It’s easy to sit back and use 20/20 hindsight to criticize decisions, when the guy making them has, at the time, “plenty of choices but no real options.” And sometimes, one makes a truly horrific choice, in order to avoid an even more horrific potentiality.

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