Why FEDEX rocks

There’s a district sales manager somewhere working for Fedex (I know where, but I’ll let that sit) with a serious heart problem, hospitalized, and they want to fly the dude up to the Mayo Clinic to save his life.

The insurance guys (I know who these people are, too, but they have lawyers, so I ain’t sayin’ ) keep dragging their feet and basically saying “why are you guys wanting to bother with this?”

So as this rolled up the pipe, before it even made the upper-executive level, they decided they’re going to use their CORPORATE JET to save this man’s life.


is why Fedex rocks:  they know that people come first.  This is the company where the executives cut their own pay rather than lay people off.

When I worked for Bank of America, if I’d had a problem like this, they’d have already been hiring my replacement by now.  Because who comes first at Bank of America?  Upper-level executives do, and those guys and gals could give two shits for the people who work for them.  The same goes with a significant number of companies I temped for, where it was obvious that anybody who wasn’t within four rungs of the top job was simply a widget to be used and replaced at will.

I don’t work for these guys:  I’m a history professor.  But I would in a heartbeat if they decided they needed my skills, and I’d do so proudly.

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