Screw the Auto Bailout

I’ve been moved from the neutral camp, directly into “fuck ’em” territory(tm), after having watched this scare video put out by GM.

So, the upshot is, we can spend $25 billion saving these turkeys… or we can watch the unemployment figures jump an average of 1% across the nation.  Okay, that in and of itself is a straight-up question… but the extent to which the video goes into truly crappy logic and argumentation… suggesting that, as the current financial mess is b/c of a .3 GDP drop, a 4% drop due to an auto crash would then be 8x worse… utterly ignoring the nature of the industry said mess occurred in, etcetera…. is simply a public attempt to use Youtube to blackmail the public.

Screw ’em.

Cloverfield: A Highlander in the Making?

Cloverfield got a lot of “meh” reviews, but, as I was stitching a vest (using the finest stitching pony known to man… Kevin’s Dad really knew his tools), we watched movies, including Hellboy II, and Cloverfield…

which was amazingly rewatchable, seen as “Monster Comedy.”  Mostly because of TJ Miller’s brilliant performance as Hud.

“What’s that?” — “Something terrible.”

“What was that?”  — “Uh… something else….. also terrible.”

Brilliant. I’m seriously guessing that this one’s going to wind up a cult flick.

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