Things students taught me THIS TIME

I would like to specify, for those following the previous post, that these entries are all from One Class:  I’m not even going to hurt myself by opening up the other stack….

[The Spanish, French, and English] all came to the Americas in search of a new beginning, in order to get away from their pasts that tormented them.

Unfortunately for Spain, however, their attempt in colonizing North America ultimately failed…

The British also passed Navigation Act, which resisted colonists from competing with British businesses…

The Sugar Act lowered the duty of molasses from the French West Indies…

In Britain the king had rights… the Americans tried to improve by having government rights….

British had Pope who tried to make people follow the church….

Due to an obvious disagreement on future economic as well as present economic goals laid to axle which drove the colonies away from British Empire History Notes this drastic chang (sic) of heart and internal relationship between colonies and british empire as one of the establishing movements of Democracy….

During the Stamp Act British was an enemy of all the other colonies.

This document [Dec of Ind] gave the colonists certain inalienable rights….

The British had imposed Catholicism on everyone….

An example of unfair treatment [of the colonists by the British] would be the Boston Tea Party….

The Spanish going to the “New World” was to find great wealth, and when it was not found as much, they brought in missionaries…

Of all these three colonies [sic:  colonizing powers] England was at first the most successful.

The English sent mainly men to the New World….

For England separation from the King was essential….

At first it seemed like Spain would have the most success because they were the stronest country; with religious justification to Christianity and a ready army full of Muslims, who were no longer welcome in Spain….

The English colonies colonies were so big they were broken in three sections….The New England colonies were the early colonies that would soon be states.

America was able to reject the Articles of Confederation and adopt the Declaration of Independence with a Bill of Rights attached….

The English were the only ones successful in cultivating new colonies….

They [the Spanish] were violent and killed any and all who got in their way without hesitation, unlike the English, who created self-governed colonies.

The french didn’t last in America very long.

….republicanism, which means first and foremost that legitimate political authority derives from the literature….

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  1. Great Scott, so many of those aren’t even proper sentences!

  2. Now that I’ve finished the list, I take it back. BY THE FESTERING FETLOCK OF NICODEMUS! Damn these kids really just didn’t care.

  3. The ones who did got great grades. Not these, though.

  4. Mike

     /  June 20, 2009

    The only word that works here is “ouch”. Dude, its looks like you are having a written version of my whole last week complete down to the level of intelligence and writing ability (although considering the author of one document this week was a CID special agent maybe I shoudl be feeling more pain…)


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