State of the Russ Report

1. Am badly overdue to visit the Bairds, and am consistently failing to find a window.
2. Juggling projects again. “Unmitigated Geekery” being one example. Sewing trousers at lunch breaks. Am still of the opinion that men’s clothing is designed in a slipshod fashion that fits like crap, looks like complete ass, and actually teaches men to be physically stiff and inflexible.
3. We’re creating quite the little Geek Street on Burning Tree Lane. I love my neighborhood, with its nearby park, schools all the way from day-care to junior high, and the tons of little mom-n-pop restaurants. No little lefty bookstores, but Half-Price books is pretty squishy that way. On the other hand, all of the neighborhood’s benefits are the subtle, under-the-radar stuff, so we don’t have any yuppie scum, either: they’re all living in the overpriced chipboard-walled houses crapped out by space aliens in neighborhoods where it takes fifteen minutes to get to the grocery store. If we can keep our locals local, and get a couple of our buddies to relocate our way, we should have quite the colony.
4. It’s my birthday, so I’m 34 now. It’s odd to be just cruising along and suddenly be the center of attention. Embarrassing.
5. Go embarrass Jim over at Lemurland. It’s his birthday.
6. Fall is here! Tonight we’ll have lows in the 60s, and our highs for the rest of the week will be in the high 80s only. You know what this means? Well, besides trying to avoid heatstroke working out? It means yours truly can go to town with an axe and pick, and lay out the watering system for next year’s UberYard. With two years worth of lessons on what will grow here and what won’t, we should definitely be starting to look all Better Homes and Gardens by next spring. Hell of an official birthday present from God: the weather’s finally breaking…

That’s it for now, I think…

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